
Sports in the gym

Today in class I said that we would play volleyball, basketball, and badminton in the gym from 2 to 5 on Sunday, the 23rd. 今日の授業で体育館で遊べるのは23日の日曜日だと言いました。 I had been told that the gym would be available then but after class today I learned that all athletic facilities will be closed that day because of a entrance examination. その日、体育館は空いていると言われていましたが、今日の授業の直後に、書類を提出しに行ったら、入試の関連でその日には学園大の全体育施設が利用できないことになっていることを聞きました。Fortunately, the following day (Monday the 24th) is open so I reserved that day for 1:30 to 4:30. 幸い、翌日の24日(月曜日)は空いているということでしたので、午後1:30から4:30までの予約を入れました。Please plan to come and bring some friends. 友達をお誘いの上で来てください。By the way, you will need a clean pair of gym shoes to use in the gym. Carefully clean the soles of the pair of gym shoes you would like to use, put them in a bag, and wear a different pair when you come to the gym. ちなみに、体育館内は土足厳禁なので、きれいな運動靴を別に持ってきてください。


The Author said...

The 24th? That sounds good...I'll be there for a little bit near the beginning and then I think leave after a couple of hours. (That day's my birthday and me and a couple others are going to have a movie marathon, I think, before we do something in the evening)

I'm looking forward to this, though! The gym? I'm not quite sure where that is...is that where the Aikido, Juudo, and Kendo club meet?

KMCheese said...

Sorry I didn't respond right away. Yes, it is where the Aikido, Juudo, and Kendo clubs meet, but the area we used was on the second floor.