I've found a youth hostel we can all stay at. It costs a little more that 2,000 yen per night but I've decided to cover the difference and ask you all to pay an even 2,000 yen. We will buy our own food and drinks for that evening and have a party together in a large room in the hostel. Those who decide not to drink alcohol should be able to get by with a total of about 1,000 yen for Saturday evening food and drinks and a light breakfast on Sunday morning (coffee and tea are free at the hostel). Of course, if you want to buy alcoholic drinks and more expensive things to eat you will need to pay more. We will have two rooms at the hostel, each with eight bunk beds so all of the women will be in one room and all of the men will be in another. If some of you want to go directly to Nagasaki by bus (that is, not take the ferry and see Shimabara and Unzen), you will save a little bit on transportation to Nagasaki, though you may wind up spending more durning you extra time in Nagasaki, depending on what you decide to do. It is not necessary that everyone travel to Nagasaki together, as long as we can all get together at the hostel that evening. I recommended that we see that Atom Bomb Musuem and Peace Park together on Sunday morning before we break down into smaller groups so that you can do different things you are interested in. Based on my current plans here is my estimate of the expenses, not including what you may decide to do on your own.
I've appended an explanation in Japanese that is based on an e-mail that I sent to the Japanese students. The basic information is the same but it contains some details that I have omitted from my English explanation (the name and address of the hostel, information about its location, etc.). If you are able to read the Japanese, it should give you and even clear idea about out plans.
「長崎カトリックセンターユースホステル」(長崎県長崎市上野町10-34, 電話 095-846-4246)に泊まることになりました。立地条件はすばらしく、大浦天主堂や長崎原爆資料館、平和公園などのすぐ近くです。気になる料金ですが、2,000円をちょっと超えるのですが、私が差額を負担して、皆さんは2,000円でいいです。8台の二段ベッドが入っている部屋を2つ予約しました。女性は片方に泊まり、男性はもう片方に泊まることになります。朝食付きではありませんが、パンなどを近くで買って、サービスで用意してあるお茶やコーヒーを呑めば、数百円で朝ご飯を皆で済みませることができます。晩御飯については自炊はできませんが、よそで食べ物を買って、ビールなどを呑みながら、一緒に話をしたり遊んだりできるような部屋があります。従って「コンパ」と言っても、食べ物とジュースやお茶だけの人は1,000円も必要ないでしょう。ビールなどをたくさん呑みたい人は各自で用意する、ということにしましょう。「節約型」の参加者はお酒を呑まずに、晩ご飯や朝ご飯には贅沢をしないというのであれば、晩ご飯、宿泊、朝ご飯が合計3,000円程度になります。それに、ゼミ旅行なので、少人数のグループに分かれる前に、近くの平和公園と原爆資料館を一緒に見るといいでしょう。長崎原爆資料館の団体の入場料は団体160円で、公園はもちろん無料です。雲仙では一番安い温泉(100円)に入ることを前提に考えるなら、日曜日のその他の遊びや食事を除いて、なんと、11,180円という計算になります。
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