
Interesting results

Here are some results of the survey questions I asked in class last week that I thought were particularly interesting. 先週、授業の中で答えてもらったアケート質問に対する応えの中で特に面白いと思ったものを紹介します。
  • 2. 留学生や外国人(留学生の皆さんの場合は「日本人」)と交流するようになってから「以前思っていた以上に文化的に違うな」と思うことがよくある。
    Now that I have gotten to know a lot of Japanese people (Japanese respondents should substitute the word "foreigners" here), I frequently find myself thinking "the cultural differences between us are larger than I used to imagine."

    About 40% of you agreed with this. 皆さんの40%ほどがこれに賛成しました。What differences have you noticed? どんな違いに気がつきましたか?
  • 5. 自分の国の政府を信頼している。
    I trust the government of my country.

    Most of the Japanese students (72%) said "no" to this. 多くの日本人学生が"no"と答えました。However, about 60% of the Japanese students said "yes" to the following. しかし、日本人の6割強は次の問に対して"yes"と答えました。

    15. 人口爆発を防ぐために、それぞれの国の政府は規制すべきだ。
    Human population and growth should be regulated by world governments.
  • 10. お酒を飲むときに、思いっきり酔いたい。
    When I drink I want to get really drunk.

    About 80% of the Japanese students (twice the number of exchange students) said "yes" to this. 日本人の8割(留学生の倍以上)はこれに対して"yes"と答えました。


Sample questionnaire

The post explains how to use Google docs to create charts that automatically continue to update themselves. It is not directly related to this class.

Here's a sample questionnaire that I made with Google docs. Google docs lets you make a form, like the one you see below, that will collect the data that people type in and put it in a spreadsheet.

If you fill it out, you should see your answers reflected in the charts below after you refresh your browser:

If you would like to see the spreadsheet I made to do this click here. I learned that I needed ARRAYFORMULA to make sure that the charts would be updated with the new information. I did this in a second sheet in the same spreadsheet.


Survey: Study now, succeed later?

I think that the success of my career after graduation depends on how hard I study in college.

Survey: Make the world a better place?

I want to do what I can to make the world a better place.

Survey: Take a break?

I see my four years at university as a "break" (rest) after high school and before work.

Survey: Improving yourself?

I am trying to use my time in college to improve myself.

Survey: Do it somewhere else?

If I saw a man and woman kissing in public in downtown Kumamoto I would probably think "I wish they would do that elsewhere."

Survey: Do as the Romans do?

Generally speaking, I think that when foreigners come to Japan, they should following the "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" principle.

Survey: Was university rank important to you?

When I chose my university, I was most interested in getting in the highest ranking university possible, regardless of the subject I wound up studying.

Survey: Do you know what you want to do after graduation?

I know what kind of work I would like to do after I graduate.

Survey: Did you know what you wanted to study?

When I chose my university, I knew what I wanted to study.

Survey: Interest in news

I am interested in the news (the economy, environment, politics, social problems, etc.).

Young people in my country are interested in the news (the economy, environment, politics, social problems, etc.).



Shall we all go to Shingkham for lunch some day?

Today's class

Here is what I would like you to do today.  今日は次のことをやってほしいと思います。
  • Fill out the survey I made.  See my previous post. アンケートに答えること。この1つ前のポストを見てください。
  • On your Lang-8 page or blog, please write some questions that I can include on my next survey.  自分のLang-8日記またはブログで、次のアンケートに入れられる質問をいくつか書いてください。The questions do not have to be bilingual, but it will help me if you can try to write in English and Japanese.  質問がバイリンガルでなければならないということはありませんが、できるだけ日本語と英語と両方で書いてくれると助かります。
  • Comment and make corrections on the Lang-8 and blog entries of other students in this class.  この授業の他の受講生のLang-8やブログへの投稿に対して、コメントを書いたり、日本語の間違いを直したりしてください。
  • If you finish early, invite someone you don't know very well to go with you to the university cafeteria or some such place for something to eat or drink.  早目に終われば、あまりよく知らない学生に声をかけて、食堂かベーカリーなどに一緒に行ってください。

Survey questions