
Ms. Fumiko Hiyoshi

At the House of the Fireflies we also had the honor of meeting Ms. Fumiko Hiyoshi. 光栄なことに、ほたるの家で日吉フミコ様にもお会いしました。She told us about how she had taken care of the children with congenital Minamata disease. 退治性水俣病の子ども達を一所懸命に育てた話をしてくださいました。

The book you see on your left is about her struggle to help Minamata disease patients. 左に見える本は、副題のとおり、その戦いの記録です。Click here for more information in Japanese about this book. この本に関する詳しい説明はここをクリックすれば読むことができます。

I'd like to introduce a quote from a review (written in 2001) that has been published on the Amazon.co.jp page about this book. Amazon.co.jpの『水俣病患者とともに―日吉フミコ闘いの記録』に関するページに載っている書評から引用したいと思います。
Here's my rough translation:
Fumiko Hiyoshi was born in Kikuchi-gun of Kumamoto Prefecture in 1915. She taught at Minamata Elementary School, where she evenatually became assistant principal. Then in 1963, she was elected to the Minamata Municipal Assembly, where she served four terms. After learning of the plight of congenital Minamata disease patients, she established the Citizens Council on Minamata Disease, the first local organization devoted to assisting persons with Minamata disease. She now works at the "House of the Fireflies" growing vegetables as she assists litigants in the Kansai legal battle.
The Kansai case resulted in the landmark 2004 Supreme Court decision. この関西裁判は最高裁判所での勝利に終わり、水俣病の歴史において、たいへん重要な裁判でした。(日吉様の写真は相思社サイト上の『ごんずい84』より)

Thank you, Ms. Hiyoshi, for meeting with us. 日吉様、私たちのために時間を割いてくださり、本当にありがとうございました。

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