

After we went to Soshisha on Saturday, July 11, we went to a supermarket to buy food. 11日の土曜日に、相思社に行ったあとに、晩ご飯の食材を買うためにスーパーに行きました。There, we took this purikura picutures. そこで下のプリクラの写真を撮りました。


Ms. Fumiko Hiyoshi

At the House of the Fireflies we also had the honor of meeting Ms. Fumiko Hiyoshi. 光栄なことに、ほたるの家で日吉フミコ様にもお会いしました。She told us about how she had taken care of the children with congenital Minamata disease. 退治性水俣病の子ども達を一所懸命に育てた話をしてくださいました。

The book you see on your left is about her struggle to help Minamata disease patients. 左に見える本は、副題のとおり、その戦いの記録です。Click here for more information in Japanese about this book. この本に関する詳しい説明はここをクリックすれば読むことができます。

I'd like to introduce a quote from a review (written in 2001) that has been published on the Amazon.co.jp page about this book. Amazon.co.jpの『水俣病患者とともに―日吉フミコ闘いの記録』に関するページに載っている書評から引用したいと思います。
Here's my rough translation:
Fumiko Hiyoshi was born in Kikuchi-gun of Kumamoto Prefecture in 1915. She taught at Minamata Elementary School, where she evenatually became assistant principal. Then in 1963, she was elected to the Minamata Municipal Assembly, where she served four terms. After learning of the plight of congenital Minamata disease patients, she established the Citizens Council on Minamata Disease, the first local organization devoted to assisting persons with Minamata disease. She now works at the "House of the Fireflies" growing vegetables as she assists litigants in the Kansai legal battle.
The Kansai case resulted in the landmark 2004 Supreme Court decision. この関西裁判は最高裁判所での勝利に終わり、水俣病の歴史において、たいへん重要な裁判でした。(日吉様の写真は相思社サイト上の『ごんずい84』より)

Thank you, Ms. Hiyoshi, for meeting with us. 日吉様、私たちのために時間を割いてくださり、本当にありがとうございました。


House of the Fireflies and Mr. Hideo Ikoma

On Saturday, July 11th we visited "Hotaru no Ie" (House of the Fireflies), which is a support facility for Minamata Disease patients. 7月11の土曜日に水俣病患者支援施設「ほたるの家」を訪問しました。There we met Mr. Yoichi Tani, Ms. Fumiko Hiyoshi, Mr. Hideo Ikoma and several others. そこで、谷洋一様、日吉フミコ様、生駒秀夫様などの方々にお会いしました。This picture of Mr. Ikoma that I have placed at the top of this post is from the Soshisha web site. この投稿の上の方に置いた生駒様の写真は相思社のウェブサイトにあったものです。ここをクリックしてもらえれば、相思社のウェブサイトで紹介されている生駒様のお話を読むことができます(機関誌『こんずい』80号より)。Our visit was so interesting and there was so much to talk about that I forgot to take any pictures. 話があまりにも面白く、あまりにも聞きたいことが多かったので、写真を撮ることをすっかり忘れてしまいました。

In this post, I'd like to briefly describe what Mr. Ikoma told us . ことでは、生駒様のお話をごく簡単に紹介したいと思います。

Mr. Ikoma is a very well known speaker (kataribe) on Minamata disease. 生駒様は水俣病の語り部の中でも有名です。The poster on the left is for a symposium that was held in Tokyo in the Spring of 2008. 左にあるのは2008年の春に、東京で行われたシンポジウムのチラシです。(ここをクリックすればオリジナルのpdfをダウンロードできます。)す。Mr. Ikoma is featured along with well-known people such as playwright and novelist INOUE Hisashi and music critic Peter Barakan. 生駒様は文化功労者の井上ひさし氏やピーター・バラカン氏と一緒に水俣病について話しました。It was a great honor for us to be able to meet with Mr. Ikoma on such short notice. 急なお願いであってにも関わらず、生駒様にお会いできたことは私たちにとってたいへん光栄でした。

Mr. Ikoma began by introducing himself to us. はじめに、生駒様は自己紹介をしてくれました。He discussed his birth in what is now North Korea where a Chisso factory was located, the death of his mother, and the stroke that his father suffered after returning to Minamata. チッソの工場があった現在の北朝鮮で生まれたこと、早くお母様をなくしたこと、お父様が脳梗塞で倒れたことを説明してくれました。His father's stroke stroke led their family to move to a fishing village called Modo. お父様が脳梗塞で倒れたことがきっかけとなり、茂道という漁村に引っ越すことになったそうです。Eating the many fish contaminated with mercury in Modo caused him to come down with Minamata disease when he was in junior high school. メチル水銀に汚染されていた魚を茂道でたくさん食べて、中学校時代に水俣病を発病したそうです。

Mr. Ikoma smiled as he discussed his suffering. 生駒様は笑顔で、どのように苦労したかを説明してくださいました。We were all very impressed with his positive attitude. 生駒様の明るい、前向きな姿勢に感銘を受けました。Thank you very much! ありがとうございました。



The trip to Minamata was a lot of fun, wasn't it! 水俣へのゼミ旅行は楽しかったね。

I'll write more later. For now, here's a picture. 後日、また書きますが、とりあえず、写真一枚を載せてみます。

Click on it to enlarge it. 写真をクリックすれば、拡大されます。


Numbers of Minamata disease victims and settlement amounts (English)

Hi! Here is a quick summary of the information I posted in Japanese about the numbers of victims of Minamata disease and the amounts that have received or are expected to receive. Please click here to view the Japanese message.
  1. Certified patients

  2. Kumamoto: 1,778
    Kagoshima: 490人

    When victims of mercury poisoning in Niigata prefecture are included the total of certified patients rises to about 3,000.

    Only about 13.5% of the people who have applied in Kumamoto have actually been certified. Certified patients can be said to be the tip of the iceberg.

    Amount: 16 to 18 million yen plus 67,000 to 170,000 yen each month.

  3. 1995 political settlement

  4. 10,353 people received 2.6 million yen.

  5. 2004 Supreme Court verdict

  6. 51 people received 4.5 to 8.5 million yen.

  7. New law (2009)

  8. Up to 30,000 people may receive about 2 million yen (details unclear at this writing).


The last cases of congenital Minamata disease

The following article is about how recent the last cases of congenital Minamata disease may be. The official position is that no one born after 1969 could have congenital Minamata disease but the article indicates that there is some doubt about that. Click on the image to enlarge it.






Numbers of victims and amounts of compensation

The history of Minamata disease is long and complicated. In this post, I've tried to organize some of the most important information about the numbers of victims and amounts of compensation. I'll post this in Japanese first and try to follow up later in English.

このポストでは水俣病で認定や救済等の対象をされた方々の人数とその救済等の金額を簡単にまとめようとしています。水俣病をめぐる救済等の全容ではありませんが、「見取り図」と言えるのではないかと思います。この形でまとめてみたきっかけにのは2009年7月3日付けの朝日新聞(熊本版、朝刊)の一面記事「水俣病救済法 成立へ」でした。記事には次の文がありました。
1. 公害健康被害補償法に基づく認定患者 
2. 1995年の政治決着を受け入れた被害者
3. 関西訴訟の最高裁判決で勝訴が確定した被害者
  1. 公害健康被害補償法に基づく認定患者

  2. 熊本県の対象者数:1,778人


    申請実件数 16,944 (取り下げ等の2,331件を除く)
    処分済み件数 13,203
    棄却 11,425
    認定 1,778(認定率 = 13.5%)


  3. 1995年の政治決着を受け入れた被害者

  4. 対象者数:水俣病未認定患者10,353人

  5. 関西訴訟の最高裁判決で勝訴が確定した被害者

  6. 対象者数:原告51人


  7. 今回の法案

  8. 対象者:およそ3万人(しかし、国が未だに調査していないので、被害の規模はまだあきらかになっていない)






News about Minamata Disease

The Mainichi Daily News published an article in English about the important political agreement that was made yesterday between Japan's LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) and Democratic Party regarding Minamata disease. The English article is largely a translation of a Japanese article. In this post, will quote from the two articles to made a bilingual outline of some of the key issues.


Here are the titles and addresses of the two articles from which I am quoting:
1. 分社化 (Dividing Chisso into two companies)
On Thursday, the parties also agreed to let chemical maker Chisso Corp., which caused poisoning by releasing methyl mercury-tainted water into the sea from a factory in Minamata, Kumamoto Prefecture, split into a parent company and a subsidiary. Sales of shares in the subsidiary will go toward future compensation for victims, and the parent company will later be liquidated.

Chisso, which is covering lump-sum payments under the latest compensation measures had requested permission to split up, saying that it wanted to move away from the Minamata disease issue, targeting freer corporate activities. However, sufferers groups are against the idea of the parent company disappearing in the future. The DPJ had opposed splitting up the company, but gave its consent on condition that the split would not be carried out until Chisso agreed to pay lump compensation sums.

2. 認定基準 (Criteria for certification as a Minamata disease patient)
Under the legislation, conditions covered by relief measures have been expanded to include sensory impairment of the distal parts of limbs, in which numbness becomes more pronounced near the tips of fingers and toes; a condition affecting sensation on the tongue; sensory impairment around the mouth; and tunnel vision. A fifth condition that the DPJ suggested including -- intellectual impairment caused by cerebral disorders -- was dropped.

3. 問題の規模と最高裁の判決 (Scope of the problem and the Supreme Court Decision)
Lump sums of 2.6 million yen per person were paid to over 10,000 people in a government settlement in 1995, but in a ruling in 2004 the Supreme Court applied standards that recognized ailments caused by the disease to a level beyond government standards. There are believed to be 30,000 people seeking compensation who have not yet been recognized as Minamata disease sufferers. Based on a survey in 2007, the government expected more than 80 percent of patients to receive relief measures.


Minamata disease is a disease that appeared when people ate fish and other seafood contaminated with methyl mercury. The first case was confirmed in 1956. As of March this year 2,965 people had officially been recognized as sufferers.

There was another issue regarding removal of the designation of certain areas as regions affected by Minamata disease. The removal of this designation would have made new applications for certifications impossible. Strong opposition from the Democratic Party and groups of Minamata disease suffers and their supporters led the LDP to eliminate this from the bill.
