
Questions for discussion

1. If I said something that unintentionally hurt the feelings of a friend, I would probably feel little better if I could tell another close friend about my mistake.

Imagine that you are in a club and another member of the club makes a suggestion about how to run the club. You think it is a really good suggestion but before you say anything most of the other members of the club start criticizing the idea. What do you think you would actually do in such a situation?

2. I would be more likely to speak up to support the suggestion than to be quiet.

3. I would be more likely to be quiet than to speak up to support the suggestion.

Imagine you are a member of a club and a moderate amount of money belonging to the club (let's say 5,000 yen) has gone missing.

4. Being blamed by the other members of the club for the loss even though I am sure that it is not my fault would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分が悪くないのに、多く他の部員から「君のせいだ」と批判されるような場合には、私はたいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

5. Knowing that it was my fault and admitting to everyone that I took the money (I was short on cash that day but intended to return it) would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分が実際にお金をとった(その日は現金が少なく、後で返そうと思っていましたが)ことを認めると、私はたいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

6. Knowing that it was my fault but not telling the other members about what happened would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分のせいだということがわかっているのに、黙っていると私はたいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

4. Knowing that it was my fault but not telling the other members about what happened even though someone else is being blamed would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分のせいだということがわかっているのに、しかも他の人のせいにされていると、自分が黙っていると、たいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

In the next two questions, I would like you to compare a) and b).
A) Being blamed by the other members of the club for the loss even though you are sure that it is not your fault
B) Knowing that it was your fault but not telling the other members about what happened

5. "A" would be more upsetting to me than "B"

"B" would be more upsetting to me than "A"

6. I think that companies in my country are looking for people who have the courage to express their opinions, even if that means criticizing company policy.

7. I think that most employers in my country are looking for people who will go along with whatever the boss says.

8. I think that most employers in my country are more interested in hiring people who can express their opinions that people who just go along with what the boss says.

9. I think that most employers in my country are more interested in hiring people who go along with what the boss says that people who express their opinions.

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