
Summing up

As I said in class the other day, I would like each of you to post a message your blog or on Lang-8 in which you sum up the semester. 最後の授業で言ったように、皆さんさんにブログ、またはLang-8で、秋学期を振り返る内容の文章を投稿してほしいと思います。If you have been writing on your blog or on Lang-8 fairly regularly, then you don't need to write a long message. 普段からブログまたはLang-8で書いてきたのであれば、たくさん書く必要はないでしょう。However, if you have not written much until now you should write more. しかし、今まではあまり書いていなければ、もっと書いてほしいと思います。

There are a few people who have written almost nothing on their blogs. ゼミには、ブログなどにほとんど、あるいはまったく書いていない人が数名います。If they do not do this assignment they will not get credit for this class. この課題をしなければ、単位を出すことができません。

I enjoyed talking with everyone this semester. 皆さんとの話などは私にとってはたいへん興味深かったです。As I said at the last class, I enjoy exploring the differences in our opinions. 最後の授業で言ったように、意見の違いに対する理解を探ることは私自身にとってたいへん勉強になります。I also enjoy seeing how similar we all are. 共通点が見えてくるのも興味深いと思います。

Thank you for participating!!! 参加してくれて、ありがとうございました!!


Questions for discussion

1. If I said something that unintentionally hurt the feelings of a friend, I would probably feel little better if I could tell another close friend about my mistake.

Imagine that you are in a club and another member of the club makes a suggestion about how to run the club. You think it is a really good suggestion but before you say anything most of the other members of the club start criticizing the idea. What do you think you would actually do in such a situation?

2. I would be more likely to speak up to support the suggestion than to be quiet.

3. I would be more likely to be quiet than to speak up to support the suggestion.

Imagine you are a member of a club and a moderate amount of money belonging to the club (let's say 5,000 yen) has gone missing.

4. Being blamed by the other members of the club for the loss even though I am sure that it is not my fault would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分が悪くないのに、多く他の部員から「君のせいだ」と批判されるような場合には、私はたいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

5. Knowing that it was my fault and admitting to everyone that I took the money (I was short on cash that day but intended to return it) would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分が実際にお金をとった(その日は現金が少なく、後で返そうと思っていましたが)ことを認めると、私はたいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

6. Knowing that it was my fault but not telling the other members about what happened would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分のせいだということがわかっているのに、黙っていると私はたいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

4. Knowing that it was my fault but not telling the other members about what happened even though someone else is being blamed would make me feel very upset and/or lose sleep. 自分のせいだということがわかっているのに、しかも他の人のせいにされていると、自分が黙っていると、たいへん動揺する、あるいは夜眠れなくなるでしょう。

In the next two questions, I would like you to compare a) and b).
A) Being blamed by the other members of the club for the loss even though you are sure that it is not your fault
B) Knowing that it was your fault but not telling the other members about what happened

5. "A" would be more upsetting to me than "B"

"B" would be more upsetting to me than "A"

6. I think that companies in my country are looking for people who have the courage to express their opinions, even if that means criticizing company policy.

7. I think that most employers in my country are looking for people who will go along with whatever the boss says.

8. I think that most employers in my country are more interested in hiring people who can express their opinions that people who just go along with what the boss says.

9. I think that most employers in my country are more interested in hiring people who go along with what the boss says that people who express their opinions.


夫婦別姓 (Different surnames)

I asked a question in class today about the issue of married couples having different surnames. 今日、夫婦別姓に関する質問をしました。
I believe that Japanese couples should be allowed to have different surnames if they so choose. 日本で夫婦別姓を認めるべきだと思います。

There isn't a huge difference between the Japanese and exchange students. 日本人学生と留学生との間に大きな違いはありません。However, opinion in the class as a whole seems to be divided. しかし、ゼミ内の意見が分かれているようです。

Click here to see more articles on this topic. ここをクリックして、このテーマに関する他の記事を見てください。

Making a difference or giving up

In class today, everyone answered the following questions. 今日の授業で皆さんが次の質問に答えました。
I think that my actions may change society. 自分自身の行動で社会が変わる可能性があると思います。

The world can't be changed so one should just give up. 世の中は変えようと思うのは無理だから、諦めた方がいいと思います。

The sample is small and the difference is not great but I think that the results, particularly in regard to the second question, do indicate a stronger tendency among the Japanese students to see the world as seken (世間) that one must accept rather than as "society" (社会) that one can change. サンプルは小さいし、大きな違いではありませんが、特に「諦める」ことについては、留学生よりも日本人学生の方に世の中を、変えて行ける「社会」ではなく、受け入れないといけない「世間」として見る傾向があるという仮説を裏付ける結果だと思います。

Shame vs. guilt skits

In small groups, make a skit that includes at least one example of someone experiencing shame and one example of someone experiencing guilt. 少人数のグループで、寸劇を作ってください。その寸劇には、人が「恥」を感じるところと人が「罪」を感じるところを、少なくとも1つずつ入れてください。

Surname law

Japanese government faces legal challenge over marital surname law
Five people in Japan are to file a potentially groundbreaking lawsuit against the government, to try and get a law changed which forces couples to have the same surname.



The Chrysanthemum and the Sword

Early in the semester, we talked about "shame" in Japanese culture. 学期の前半には、日本文化における「恥」について話しました。

I think the idea the shame is particularly important in Japanese culture came from The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict. 日本は「恥の文化」であるという観念はルース・ベネディクト著の『菊と刀』からきたのではないかと思います。

Please read the following passage (in either English or Japanese) in preparation for our next class. 来週の授業の準備として、次の部分(英語か日本語のいずれかで結構です)を読んでください。

「世間」 vs 「社会」 ("seken" vs "shakai")

The other day, we talked about making the world a better place. 先日は世の中をもっといいところになるように自分にできることを、というテーマについて少し話し合いました。

I think the Japanese concepts of seken and shakai are related to this topic. 「世間」と「社会」の概念はこのテーマに関連があると思います。

In small groups, have your Japanese classmates suggest one or two phrases using the word "seken" and one or two phrases using the word "sekentei." 少人数のグループで、日本人のメンバーを中心に、「世間」や「世間体」という言葉を使った文をそれぞれ1つか2つ書いてください。Then, talk about the meaning so that you can translate the sentences into English. 次に意味について話し合って、留学生に手伝ってもらって英語に訳してください。Finally, write your sentences on the board. 最後に文を黒板に書いてください。

New pornography law

In December, a law was passed in Tokyo to regulate the viewing of pornography by children. 去年の12月に、東京都が過激な性行為を描いた漫画やアニメの販売を規制する法律を制定しました。 The law saws that "publishers and sellers of manga, etc. should take steps to prevent persons under 18 from viewing materials that seem to glorify or exaggerate depictions of rape, incest, etc." 「強姦など刑罰法規に触れるか、近親者同士の性行為を『不当に賛美・誇張』して描いた漫画やアニメを18歳未満の青少年に販売、閲覧させないよう業界に自主規制を求める。」
Tokyo restricts 'extreme sex' manga, anime
Tokyo's "Anti-Anime" Bill Sparks Convention Wars

Previous debate topics

I received a question about previous debate topics.  これまでのディベートのテーマに関する質問を受けました。Thanks for the question. 質問、ありがとうございました。I don't think I'll be able to remember all of the many topics we have debated in the past but here are some examples. 今までのテーマを全部思い出すことはできないと思いますが、例としていくつかを書きます。(I'll just note the topics, not the exact propositions that were debated; ここでは具体的な命題ではなく、テーマだけ書きます)
  • Showing affection in public 人前でのいちゃいちゃ
  • Gays in the military 具体における同性愛者の参加
  • Dropping of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 広島や長崎への原爆投下
  • Elimination of nuclear weapons 核兵器廃絶
  • Gun control 銃規制
  • School uniforms 学校の制服
  • Encouraging participation of women in politics 女性の政治における参加を奨励すべきか
  • Gender equality 男女平等
  • Allowing a husband and wife to have separate family names 夫婦別姓
Here are some other ideas
  • "All you can drink" at pubs 飲み放題
  • Appropriate age of adulthood 成人年齢